Galahad Galahad - Room 801

Ninth floor, Hotel Metropole
High security, protecting another world
Ten thousand reports of the unexplained
And to this day that is how they remain
Official denials, mass cover-ups
No unauthorised personnel
This door is kept tightly shut!

Shut, shut, shut, shut
Tightly shut, kept shut
Shut, shut, shut, shut

This is Room 801
You're looking at Room 801
Here in Room 801
The legendary room 801

White lights, getting brighter
Then fading, disappear
A distant drone, getting louder
Then fading, disappear
Radio interference, no logical explanation
An unusual blip on the radar screen
It's too large for a man made flying machine

Yes we know, we know
They know, they know
We all know, we know
They know, they know
We all know, yes we all know

This is Room 801
You're looking at room 801
Here in Room 801
You're looking at Room 801

From the Air Ministry
To the DDI
From the MOD
To the CIA
All information classified
Not available to you or I
From Salandin to Kilgallen
From Gaydon to Lakenheath

What are we to believe?
What are we to believe?
What should we believe?
What the hell should we believe?
Tell me!

Will we ever solve these mysteries?
What lies within Room 801?

"I am convinced that these objects do exist
They are not manufactured by any nation on earth
I can therefore see no alternative to believing
That they come from some extra-terrestrial source!"